
Sie wollen lCount ganze Zufallszahlen zwischen lMin und lMax mit der Summe lSum erzeugem?

Diese benutzerdefinierte Funktion ist eng mit sbLongRandSumN verwandt.

Appendix Programmcode sbRandIntFixSum

Dieses Programm benötigt (ruft auf) sbRandTriang.

Bitte den Haftungsausschluss im Impressum beachten.

Option Explicit

Function sbRandIntFixSum(lSum As Long, lMin As Long, _
    lMax As Long, Optional lCount As Long = 0, _
    Optional bUseRandTriang As Boolean = True, _
    Optional bVolatile As Boolean = False) As Variant
'Returns lCount (or selected cell count in case a range is select when
'called as a matrix formula) random integers between lMin and lMax
'which sum up to lSum. If bUseRandTriang the sbRandTriang distribution
'is used to "bias" the randomness to be "less extreme".

'Error values:
'#NUM!   - No solution exists
'#VALUE! - lCount is less than 1
'Source (EN): http://www.sulprobil.com/sbrandintfixsum_en/
'Source (DE): http://www.bplumhoff.de/sbrandintfixsum_de/
'(C) (P) by Bernd Plumhoff 05-Aug-2020 PB V0.3

Dim i As Long
Dim lRnd As Long, lMinPrev As Long
Dim lRow As Long, lCol As Long

With Application

If TypeName(.Caller) = "Range" And lCount = 0 Then
    lCount = .Caller.Count
    ReDim lR(1 To .Caller.Rows.Count, 1 To .Caller.Columns.Count) As Long
ElseIf lCount < 1 Then
    sbRandIntFixSum = CVErr(xlErrValue)
    Exit Function
    ReDim lR(1 To lCount, 1 To 1) As Long
End If

If bVolatile Then .Volatile

For lRow = 1 To UBound(lR, 1)
    For lCol = 1 To UBound(lR, 2)
        lMinPrev = lMin
        lMin = .RoundUp(.Max(lMin, .Min(lSum / lCount, lSum / lCount _
               - (lCount - 1) * (lMax - lSum / lCount))), 0)
        lMax = .RoundDown(.Min(lMax, .Max(lSum / lCount, lSum / lCount _
               + (lCount - 1) * (lSum / lCount - lMinPrev))), 0)
        If lMin > lMax Or lSum / lCount <> .Median(lMin, lMax, lSum / _
            lCount) Then
            'No solution exists
            sbRandIntFixSum = CVErr(xlErrNum)
            Exit Function
        End If
        If bUseRandTriang Then
            If lMin = lMax Then
                lRnd = lMin
                lRnd = Int(sbRandTriang(CDbl(lMin), _
                       lSum / lCount, CDbl(lMax)) + 0.5)
            End If
            lRnd = Int(Rnd() * (lMax - lMin + 1) + lMin)
        End If
        lR(lRow, lCol) = lRnd
        lSum = lSum - lRnd
        lCount = lCount - 1
    Next lCol
Next lRow

sbRandIntFixSum = lR
End With

End Function

Sub GenerateRandIntFixSum()
[E7:E27].FormulaArray = sbRandIntFixSum([B1], [B2], [B3], [B4], True, False)
End Sub


Bitte den Haftungsausschluss im Impressum beachten.

sbRandIntFixSum.xlsm [66 KB Excel Datei, ohne jegliche Gewährleistung]